flavor of the month

Astoria necklace c/o Jewelmint 

When offered a piece of hardware from Jewelmint, I specifically chose the Astoria because it reminded me of tinker toys. Did anyone else play with those or does the cheese stand alone on this one? My love of jewelry partially stems from my love of toys. 

I also love clubs where you get some sort of monthly prize. One time my old co-worker asked me if I would be able to put his package in the refrigerator in his absence as soon as it arrived to work. He was kind of a weird guy so I was kind of weirded out. For some reason, packages that require refrigeration remind me of body parts, again, does the cheese stand alone on this one? I have a pretty wild imagination needless to say. Well, as it turns out, it was just his standard shipment from the Bacon of the Month Club. It had little piglet tape around the package. It was awesome. 

I don't know if you sense where I'm going with this, but Jewelmint is a monthly jewelry membership club where, instead of bacon, you get monthly jewelry offerings, but you already know that I'm sure. Did you know the bacon of the month club can run you double the cost of being a Jewelmint member? I'll go ahead and say no, no you didn't. Everyone knows bacon comes and goes, but jewelry is forever. 

~Use code BOTC50 for 50% off your first shiz here~ The cosmic fusion would be my top pick this hot second~

*I didn't receive any compensation for this. It just seemed like a good time to talk about the fact a bacon of the month club exists.


  1. I love Jewelmint! And that necklace is GORGEOUS.
    xo Josie

  2. Looove JewelMint and my Astoria (wearing right now), but I have to disagree. Bacon is, in fact, forever.



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