dine about town

Dine About Town in the city is a great chance to try that restaurant you've always been wanting to try. A 3 course dinner for $35 at many nice restaurants where one course is $28 or more, it's a great deal. This year's choice was Ana Mandara. I had been there for one New Years for the great atmosphere and another time to see DJ AM, but I had never tried their upscale Vietnamese food so this was perfect opportunity. Added bonus: walking distance to my apartment so no dd or taxi necessary.
The best part was being with my two best friends. We lived together in college but with opposite schedules now it's a rare occasion we can all see each other.
Now for the food! Crab Nha Trang: cream cheese, sweet chili sauce
Seared Hanger Steak: pepper sauce, kimchee, yucca gnocchi, pea sports. btw i love yucca. Photobucket Roasted Banana Boat: caramel, walnut sauce, vanilla bean ice cream or just INSANE. So good.
Big thanks for the lovely Miss Neira for giving me a blog award! Here are the questions that come with the award:
Name an author you love : J.D Salinger
Books you love: Nowadays I enjoy a good light read. Anything by Chelsea Handler kills me. Anything by Emily Giffin is a great light read as well.
Something that always excites you: jewelry, new movies, old movies, trying new restaurants, traveling, weekends, naps or anything related to resting, good food, museums, friends, being in the same city as my boyfriend, and most recently no rain
Something you hate: being allergic to aloe and the irony that something suppose to be soothing makes me break out in hives. Thanks again Neira! Have a lovely weekend everyone. Come back Monday for a giveaway :)


  1. That food looks SOOOOOO good! I love trying new restaurants, what a great deal you got!

  2. I want to go back for the Banana Boat! Such a nice night with you girls :)

  3. Congratulations on your award! The food looks delicious.Have a great weekend.
    -The Trendy Fashionista

  4. wow, the restaurant is gorgeous and the food looks so good!! looks like u had a great time:) congrats on the award!


  5. Oh wow, that's such a beautiful restaurant! Looks amazing!

  6. such a lovely night out!! looks like a great place to try!!

  7. ooh the food looks SO good! it also looks like you're eating at Disneyland (the Blue Bayou restaurant).;-)
    xoxo alison


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