a penny saved is a penny earned

So this post I'm going to talk about my new budget plan. I'm 24 and it's time for me to start saving money. Right now I have the bare minimum you need to keep a savings account open. My goal roughly is to put at least $100 of every paycheck I get into savings and 75% of all bonuses. So in order to stick to my savings plan I need to make some lifestyle adjustments (I don't like the word sacrifice). For one thing: clothes. For anyone who knows me, they know I've had a long, deep love affair with shopbop.com but we're going to have to go on a break. Also to help control myself I've made a list of items that I actually do need (relative term) . I actually may have to give this list more thought to allow some flexibility. You know they say you should always bring a list to the grocery store so you don't overspend so I'm hoping this will work similarly. Another thing I need to cut back on is going out to eat. Since I LOVE to cook that is normally what I do anyway, but I'll get lazy some weeks and if I'm out of groceries I'll end up buying lunch everyday at work. This kind of laziness has to come to an end. I also need to be more creative with the groceries I have when my supplies are beginning to run low. One thing I won't really be cutting back on is enjoying going out with my friends and boyfriend, I just have to be smarter about it. Tonight T is in town and we are all going to happy hour which means happy hour prices, perfect! -Heather


  1. I just love the "permanently in SF" comment. I think the saving money deal will be a sinch for you, you could try doing an allotment straight into savings.


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