style: ballin' on a budget

I'm excited to share I've joined Poshmark (@heathersedit)! I've gone to their events over the years in San Francisco, but hadn't pulled the trigger on listing items myself as I was in the habit of using ebay.  If you aren't familiar, it's an app you can use to buy and sell clothes. It doesn't surprise the majority of our online time is spent in apps-there's one for anything you could possibly want.

I'm reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up as I've mentioned and am currently in a "discarding" phase where I give up any item that doesn't make me feel joy when I pick it up. It can be difficult mentally to part with clothes where there is absolutely nothing wrong with it both from a condition and style standpoint, but using "joy" as a benchmark helps you weed out those clothes you just don't reach for again and again anymore. There's no use in them sitting in your closet because you'll maybe wear them again so might as well pay it forward to someone else who will experience joy in wearing them. Everything I'm selling has brought me joy at some point so I can appreciate the role that it played in my life for those moments.

I obviously have photos of my clothes already from the blog so it's ended up being an impromptu trip to memory lane. A few words about these moments that are from my listings left to right:

  • I've listed my beloved Sophie Hulme bag (gasp!).  I love it, but I'm lazy about changing bags during the week so I don't wear it as much as I'd like so figured I should pay it forward to another bag lover as it's in pristine condition.
  • I don't have much to say about this photo other than the fact that I already had this neon green boucle jacket from Zara so I was excited to find matching shorts by Sandro to wear it as a set. I love sets. Alas, I've listed the shorts.

I'll be listing more items throughout the week so be sure to check out my closet @heathersedit! Also, this isn't sponsored, I just like the app so far.


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