I am the lizard queen

 I spent some of my childhood partaking in traditional little girl activities, but mostly I just caught lizards. I've always liked a challenge and if you've ever tried to catch a lizard you know it's not all that easy. Honestly, when I see one sometimes I still get the urge to catch it, but mostly this happens when I'm with other people so I restrain myself. If you're still reading hopefully I haven't scared you away. This lizard is from my childhood too, but the only one around to tell the tale. He makes any outfit special. 


  1. I love your bag!
    xo Josie

  2. Hello cute lizard, I remember chasing them on the garden when little too! Love the contrasting colors!

    Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

  3. I used to do the same thing with Salamaders! (we don't have lizards in the wild here!) So funny. I am LOVING this bright orange clutch, and of course, the sunglasses are perfection!

  4. So funny :) I love that your unique lizard pin has a back story…and love the whole outfit really (perfect pants!)!

    Ann Marie

  5. Wow Alice+Olivia makes the most insanely cool pants, these included!

  6. i'm pretty sure i've said this before, but i seriously LOVE those pants! the lizard pin is great too! xx sylvie


  7. You seriously have the best accessories - I love this unexpected little guy... and you're right - totally reminiscent of childhood days chasing after lizards.

  8. I love this outfit! It's so simple yet bold! Most likely I'll be "borrowing" this outfit...love the inspiration!


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