halfway there

Parker dress (on sale!),  Linea Pelle belt, Michael Kors watch, Karen Walker sunglasses, J.Crew necklace

A closer look at my getting ready outfit because in my mind all outfits worn in Paris are important runway or not. I really just had the urge to say something like "The world is a runway!" I am SO happy I didn't though.

Susie Bubble actually took these shots for me. It was kind of like being a cook just starting off and asking Julia Child if she'd mind running across the street to grab you some donut holes. She was so sweet about it though and what can I say, bitch needed her blog pics to share with you.

Speaking of sweet, in this case less in the nice and more in the cool sense, the girls over at the blog As If interviewed me so check it out here. They actually say and I quote that I'm "hot shit" so you know the blog has to be a good one.


  1. CUTE! I love that gorgeous dress on you and the belt is utter perfection.
    xo Josie

  2. The world is in deed a runways and every day is a fashion show ;), love this dress is so vivid and feminine!

    Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

  3. Wauw such a precious outfit! Love it.
    I also particpated at the LaFayette show! It was so crazy but fun, haha.

    I'm your newest follower btw :)
    maybe you like my blog just as much as I like yours?



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