shop talk

 The crew from left to right: winner from Milan My Free Choice & Fashion Fruit,  from Paris, Style Bubble &  London winner Alice Price-Styles, NY's ManRepeller & moi!
Our interview in Galeries Lafayette
Leandra & I after dinner 

These were taken our first night in Paris where we went to Galeries Lafayette to be interviewed.  I don't think I've ever been interviewed on camera before so I was definitely a little nervous, but once I got going it was totally fine. I think. We'll see if they post the video so I can see how my real life charisma translates to video. Then the camera crew proceeded to run around following us so now I know what it's like to be on reality TV. I would be having a casual conversation about how the slits in my pants basically show my bare ass and then I'd notice a camera in my face. Hopefully they'll dub music over the live conversation. Did you read that  Galeries Lafayette?

Back to the pants though... they are vintage Versace and belonged to my mother and they are a really big deal. They deserve their own post soon. 


  1. ooooo are you???


  2. Wow! What an amazing experience...and please do follow up on these pants. xo

  3. Super fun! I first saw a picture of you on Erika's, that must have ben a wonderful experience!

    Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

  4. LOVE your bright pants. And seriously, Heather, how lucky are you?
    xo Josie

  5. Waiting patiently for the runway look! and more on the pants. We all want mo mo mo


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