paul k

Image and video hosting by TinyPic blog has been collecting some serious dust, but fear not hoards of adoring fans, I am back! And what better way to come back than to share one of my favorite things, bottomless mimosa brunch. I used a Groupon to try Paul K in SF's Hayes Valley. I really enjoy this place because the actual food tastes GREAT, unlike many of its bottomless mimosa brunch counterparts (read: Circa, do not go there unless desperate, very desperate, or forced against your will). It's a nice restaurant by night so you won't have to smell stale booze or deal with the rowdy, just as annoying as the night before, still drunk crowd. You can just relax and get your buzz on in peace over a nice meal, just how I like it.

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I got the Duck Hash. I love duck. duck. duck. duck (in Ron Burgundy's voice please). A lot of people don't like duck so maybe this isn't for you, but a really great dish if you do enjoy it.

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Soft Scramble-also good, but mine was better muahaha


  1. DYING. christ. that was evil.

    mine's been collecting dust, too. high five for the real world for a change....


  2. I love breakfast potatoes! These look so good.

  3. Mmmmm, this looks so tasty! And so glad to have you back, dear.
    xo Josie

  4. glad you are back to blogging. have fun meeting up with the other bloggers & sterling style :)


  5. duck hash! yum!

    Following your blog, hope you would like to follow mine too...



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