miss american pie

So I didn't win the pie competition in LA, but it was nice to be home and still such a fun experience. Photobucket As it turned out, I had a lot of technical difficulties. Issue #1: My pie crust was ugly. My friend even admitted it was ugly. So i needed whip cream to to cover the uneven edges. Photobucket Photobucket Covering the pie crust with whip cream brings me to issue #2. I made my own whip cream but my cannister malfunctioned. Or I just don't know how to use it but that is neither here nor there. So it basically sprayed little dots of whip cream everywhere on accident and then it stopped working... Photobucket See what I'm talking about! Sigh. Issue #3 was that the pie didn't really end up setting due to time constraints. Photobucket I was still proud of my pie though! Despite its aesthetic shortcomings it still tasted better than any other pumpkin pie you will taste and there were plenty of worse looking ones. It was a learning experience and this is not the last pie competitions have seen of me. They only announced the top 3 pies, but N thinks I probably came in 4th. I believe him. And it's pretty cool Stefan from Top Chef tasted my pie.... Photobucket Side note: I have a new found respect for people who run pie shops...how do you make all that dough and cook all that crust and not go insane! Crust is probably the one thing I have ever tried that I genuinely don't enjoy making...this Thanksgiving...frozen crust it is.


  1. So fun!
    Your pie looks delish!


  2. whats delish? -N
    4th fo sho

  3. It looks yummy--as long as it tastes good, who cares what it looks like? But I know what you mean, I made fudge from scratch today and the consistency isn't as perfect as I would like it...


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