gems & jewels

Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving! I continued the binge this evening with a bacon cheeseburger...did I mention there were also onion rings on it? Luckily, I just paid my gym membership through December. Besides eating, I've been doing a lot of this lately... Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Gem trade shows can be so overwhelming. In case you can't tell from these pictures there is A LOT to sort through. I've been to a couple in the past few months and have been working away on my pieces and they'll be put in my etsy shop very soon.


  1. To thee very concerned public:
    i will no longer go by the anonymous letter "N". i have decided to reaveal myself. i am fashionsavedmylife, a true and long time follower of Heather

  2. BTW I want to visit this place (wherever it is) b/c it would be my heaven! haha

  3. It's heaven indeed! I wish we have similar places/events here too!


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