accessories edit: paula mendoza

I am a huge lover of jewelry, but it's rare a designer hits me as hard as Paula Mendoza. The second I saw her latest collection on instagram, I immediately left a comment on the picture asking how I could get my hands on one of these chokers. Luckily, they have bad ass customer service and promptly replied directing me to order via email as they hadn't hit stores yet. I chose emerald to bring out the green in my eyes, but I love the pearl and gold too (available now).

  It's one of those special pieces that's a work of art above all else. You feel otherworldly when you put it on and how often can you say that? It's magic. South Americans have an incredible sense of style so I wasn't surprised to learn that Paula is from Bogota (the last time I felt this strongly about a designer was my Perez Sanz cuff I found in Buenos Aires). Her cultural background combined with her study of sculpture make a killer combination for a jewelry designer. 

Learn a little more about her in this article on The Stone Set (a must read for jewelry lovers) or check out her out in her NYC apartment here on the Coveteur.


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