hope you had a happy halloween!

I know I did. The dressing up and going out fun actually happened on Thursday for my office Halloween party-they rented out a whole bar and it was open bar-the best kind of party.They also had people doing air brush tattoos so obviously I got a skull on my arm. I wanted to keep it the rest of the weekend so I didn't wash it until yesterday and now it won't come off. It's made wearing sleeveless tops quite a problem. There was also this great cupcake tower-the red velvet were the best.
On Halloween day, I was in Sacramento and attemped to go to the 2007 Guiness World Record corn maze.........but it had completely blown down two weeks earlier! It was quite sad, but they did have an awesome pumpkin patch with some pumpkins that were literally bigger than I am so it wasn't a complete loss. At night we helped N's adorable little niece hand out candy to trick or treaters and drank wine. Later on, I made this spiced cider and we watched Halloween movies. It was lovely and I highly recommend making spiced cider over the next few months, it's warm and comforting and really puts you in a festive mood.


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