grandma knows best

My grandma is 97 years old and still kickin. She walks with out a walker, cooks all her own meals, and lives completely on her own. She only stopped driving 6 months ago since she suffered a few small strokes, but don't worry, she has someone come once a week to drive her grocery shopping and to get her hair done! fun facts about my grandma: -she subsides mostly on bacon, eggs, cookies, ice cream, red meat, stinky cheese, and anything fried (chicken, veal, pork). If she makes me egg whites she will eat all of the yolks. -everything is better in new york, including but not limited to the delis, cheese, the water, bakeries, and rolls (she claims she can't even eat the rolls here and proceeded to ask how the rolls are where my boyfriend is from) -she loves mayonaise. that huge jar is hers. best foods used to be helman's and before that everyone had to make their own mayonaise. mrs. helman lived in her neighborhood. this is the best mayonaise according to grandma, naturally originated in ny. -she watched the world trade center go up and down. -she has a hard time buying anything at Barney's because when it originally opened it was a discount suit store. only when Mr.Barney's children took it over did it become a high end department store, but she can't help but think of discount clothes. -her absolute favorite show is CSI. there's no good tv on anymore besides CSI and Law and Order. -if you are genuine when you pray and give to the church, you will get what you're praying for My boyfriend and I were majorly spoiled this weekend. She had stocked up on wine and cookies, served us bacon, eggs, and warm croissants for breakfast, and filet mignons she wrapped in bacon for dinner. I miss her already :( Go call your grandma!


  1. This blog by far is my absolute favorite, im gonna call my Nana. -N

  2. Such a sweet post! Your grandma rocks!



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